1. Pick the right interviewers.
You must choose the best interviewers after inviting a candidate for a face-to-face meeting. Finding a balance between the personalities on your panel will allow them to ask the right questions without overwhelming the applicant.
Typically, you should invite the prospective employee’s future boss, a close coworker, and a potential subordinate. For large companies, make sure there are never more than five interviewers present at once. Three is typically the sweet spot because five employees can also be too many for a small business.

2.Decide where to conduct the interview and for how long.
Choosing a location for the interview is the next step. Consider the scenario that would allow you to elicit the most truthful responses from your candidate. Would it be better to speak with them in a quiet cafe instead of your conference room? You could also take them to the project locations and interview them there. They will gain a better understanding of how your business runs as a result, and you will be able to assess their level of industry knowledge.
For non-managerial roles, you should limit the interview time to 30 minutes, and for managerial roles, up to 90 minutes.

3.Get logistics in order.
Obtain the contact information of your prospective employer, make contact, and reserve the location of your interview. Plan a private location for the entire interview and allow an extra 30 minutes just in case.
In order to ensure that everyone is on the same page, make sure to block off the time in everyone’s calendars, including the interviewers and the interviewee. Have the interviewers reserve a variety of days and times if you’re unsure of the candidate’s availability so they have flexible options.

4.Prepare interview questions.
Your team should decide what your company is looking for in terms of skills and culture fit before you can come up with the right questions. Draft interview questions based on the job description, but also look at the candidate’s resume for additional information. For example, why did they leave their previous employer after only six months?
Here are some essential interview questions to ask to get things going:
What is your knowledge of our business?
What draws you to this particular field? How do you stay up to date with it?

5.Brief the candidate properly.
Provide candidates with all necessary information prior to the interview, such as the time of the appointment, how long it will last, and the location of the interview. Include the names of their interviewers as well as the name of the person they should find upon arrival.
Give them a phone number to call in case you need to cancel the interview due to an emergency on the day of the interview.
Every recruitment process needs to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the interview process. It is a crucial step in figuring out whether the prospective employee, given their technical abilities and personality, will be a good fit for your business. You can make every interview insightful and enjoyable for both the interviewers and the potential candidates by keeping in mind the points mentioned above.